Large successful corporations know how important branding is to their business. As small businesses, either wanting to stay small or wanting to go huge, we know how important branding is but do we give it enough focus, time and weight in how we build our structure and marketing plans? I say no.. what do you say? I am going to go over some key tools to Branding and Marketing over the next few weeks.. since we are at the end of 2009 it is a great time to review what you have and if you see the need to launch something more solid, cleaner, and maybe even more focused in the new year…

Let’s begin by taking inventory of what you have – get out an image of your logo if you have one, print the home page of your website, collect your advertisements and promotions together and type up your slogan – on liner (if you network also type out your “elevator speech”. With all of these in one location review each one and write out your first impression after you look at it or listen to it. It helps to get a couple other people to give you feed back AND also read your info to you so you HEAR it not go over what you wrote – pin pointing your impressions is the first start.

There are Virtual Assistants that work with marketing and branding as their primary field of assistance, if you are interested in meeting a VA in the niche please feel free to contact me and I am happy to introduce you to them.