Facebook has been in the news a lot lately. They were slammed about the, “privacy settings” well that is all done now and they have given us back our control on our privacy. I have to say that Facebook on a whole listens to its public, they make mistakes or leaps that are not progress to us but in the long run they go back and modify it so everyone is happy once again, or at least the majority.

Facebook has developed a “script” you can add to your website that will show a “LIKE” button adding this button to your website allows your readers to click on it, activates a count on that page along with notifies the “readers” facebok page/profile” that they liked this page! How great is that! Advertising you cannot pay for!!! The secret is writing posts that give value or a website that is useful to the visitor!! You can do it! You can find the instructions for adding this button to your website at http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like OR if you are like me and LOVE wordpress you can log into your plug in area and search for the plug in called WP FB Like – you can simply install it there! (be sure to check the settings when you install it)