Monetize Monday ~ ready to start a new week?  We are here at Wealth And Abundance Today!  Focus today, the first day of the week on finding the items on your “to do” list for the week that generate revenue – do them today!  Start your week on bringing in money and check out your motivation level going into the rest of the week!

The Art of Scheduling, Tracking and your Productivity Levels

Not too many people realize there is an art to scheduling your week’s activities so you can track them easy – know what needs to be done next and increase your productivity!

With ART you always have to have the right tools/instruments to create the wonderful masterpiece you create right?  Well tracking your to dos, and scheduling your day/week’s activities is NO different!  Scheduling appointments, tasks, payments and receivables are the heart of any business (and life for that matter) having the right tool to do that is imperative.   You must have a reliable calendaring system/program/platform. It must be mobile and accessible from several different arenas.  Last but not least you must be consistent in your posting/scheduling items on your calendar!

I like to use and always recommend the Google Calendar – for scheduling it seems to be the easiest, cleanest, organized, searchable, and can work with a team of people.

You can create several different calendars “different names and purposes (and different colors)” and be scheduling on them from one log-in location.  You can create public calendars to share on your site like done here at Wealth And Abundance Today/Events.  You can “share” your calendar with other Google Account holders so the scheduling can be a collaborative task with a team of assistants.  You can access your calendar from ANYWHERE, access it on a computer at the library (if needed) or sync with your phone – scheduling is really made easy on the Google Calendar!

The best way I describe the Google Calendar is like the old days in math class when your teacher did work on the overhead projector with plastic overlays (usually with graphing) and there was the base graph on the bottom, then each overlay was placed on top of the the other with a different color showing on the graph – that is how the calendar works with several calendars created – the base one is your Google account calendar, then each one created after that has its own scheduling on it in the color for that calendar all overlaying on each other showing ALL of the scheduling for all of your calendars!

Scheduling Made Easy!

Here are some tips to get you started – if you are currently using a calendaring system be sure you have or are doing the items listed below to help with your productivity:

  • Start with this week – go in and “calendar” ALL of your activities, this includes driving kids to and from activities ~ meetings with drive time ~ home tasks that take out time – be sure to add everything you have been scheduling to do in a day (you know the “simple” things we take for granted – this will be shocking to see how much time you really have in a week to “get things done on your to do list”
  • Be sure to include as much detail as you can, name, contact phone numbers and even a bit of info in the details section when scheduling – this helps you not rely on it all being in your head
  • Be sure to be scheduling in some “Me Time” even if that is before you start your day and/or at the end of your day – nothing more depressing to see a calendar FULL with nothing enjoyable for you!
  • Be sure to set up daily agenda email reminders showing you what you have on the calendar that day
  • Be sure to print your week’s calendar for easy access from your tickler file (will be discussing tomorrow) ~stay on top of what you are scheduling
  • Be sure your calendar allows you to access and do scheduling from anywhere
  • Be sure you can “share” your calendar ~ anyone helping can manage what you are scheduling
  • Be sure you can color code (or topic code) your scheduling entries
  • Be sure it is easy when scheduling repeating events
  • Can you create a “public” view calendar that only shows the scheduling you did for public events?

Reenforcing the habit of scheduling, mastering the art of scheduling, is no longer something you should do it is a MUST!

The more business a man has to do, the more he is able to accomplish; for he learns to economize his time. ~ Sir Matthew Hale

Don’t be afraid or overwhelmed at using a calendar and having to be dilegent in scheduling – knowing what is expected or needed allows better focus and an increase in your productivity!


Scheduling Made Easy