Tackle It Tuesday ~ today is the day we focus on “tackling” that project or task that you tend to want to avoid. Grab it by the “horns” and work on it today – gaining ground on a task or project you dread working on will give you motivation, move you closer to completion and of course my favorite allow you to CROSS IT OFF your list (with these kinds of tasks I go for the sharpie to cross off!) Make your plate of things to do lighter in the beginning of the week so you are not carrying a heavy load towards the end! Get out there and Tackle It!
Direct Sales… (from Wikipedia)
A textbook definition is: “The direct personal presentation, demonstration, and sale of products and services to consumers, usually in their homes or at their jobs.” Also, Direct selling is the marketing and selling of products directly to consumers away from a fixed retail location. Peddling is the oldest form of direct selling. Modern direct selling includes sales made through the party plan, one-on-one demonstrations, and other personal contact arrangements as well as internet sales.
Direct Sales is a viable source of income. Direct Sales has been around throughout history in different forms as mentioned above like in “peddling”. Over the years direct sales has molded into different forms but all based on the same service/outcome. A direct sales representative bringing a product or service to an audience (could be of one), introducing them to it and creating a sale. With the hopes in mind that the rep has found someone that would like to have their own direct sales business and do the same (a recruit) or in the lease has created a direct sales customer for life. The Direct Sales rep will make money from the individual sale(s) and have a recurring income if a new direct sales rep is signed up. It is a win win situation – great products are brought to a busy group of consumers – time is saved and an income is earned, not to mention the friendships that are made! (so I guess you could say it is a win-win-win situation) A Fact sheet from DSA, Direct Selling Association sharing stats.
Promoting your Direct Sales business while blogging…
Direct Sales companies have guidelines their representatives must follow – the company policies for blogging, advertising, how you “get the word out” – it is very important to know these policies and guidelines before you ever get started in blogging – if you break a policy they have the right to take your position and check from you – don’t risk it know what you can and cannot do before you get started.
People ask “Will Blogging Help My Direct Sales Business?”
I say YES! Well let me explain – I don’t think it will impact your Direct Sales business directly but indirectly YES! There are some things you have to get straight with before starting your blog… the main one is what are you going to blog about? This is a question I ask my consulting clients all of the time, usually they respond – “well in my direct sales company, I sell candles so I will blog abut the new fragrances and sizes or holiday offerings”, “well in my direct sales company I sell kitchen gadgets I will blog of the cool products” or “I have no idea how to fit my products and services into a regular posting blog site”
My response is to blog about what THEY know, what THEY love, and what THEY have a passion for! Do not blog about the company, not only can it conflict with policies but the Company is responsible for their reputation. Direct Sales companies spend a lot of money of promotional items, marketing and their reputation – ride the back of their efforts! You need to promote YOU and YOUR reputation your direct sales product or service will come in line the more people are drawn to YOU!
Be sure to not let your direct sales company or product define YOU. What do I mean by that? You chose that direct sales company for one of three reasons: You Love The Product/Service, You Love The Company or You Love The Opportunity To Make Money. The reason is what you relate to. Use those resources that are inside you to share and educate other people. As I mentioned Direct Sales companies do enough to promote THEM – you spend your time promoting YOU.
Suggestions for Blogging when in Direct Sales:
- Blog about what you know – if you are a photographer and are with an online direct sales greeting card company, blog and share photos and reinforce the importance of “sharing photos” and weave in so ever slightly how they can do that, maybe sharing cards you created and some of the reactions from receivers of the cards.
- Blog about your passion – if you are a stay at home parent or a “food connoisseur” and love cooking and your with a food product/ preparation product/ or kitchen gadget direct sales company, blog about recipes and share ones from your company. Blog about kitchen tips. Become the “go to” person for questions on how to make something or what to use making it! Mix the resources up.
- Blog about making money – if you are drawn to direct sales by the opportunities for making an income, blog about being in business for yourself, the ease of direct sales and that industry and maybe some training and tips for being successful. Readers will be drawn to you to be like you.
People often choose one direct sales company and then choose another direct sales company as well – they might represent more than one or direct sales company at one time BUT some how the theme of the direct sales companies being chosen are very similar – you can keep your blog, your message and your reputation in tact no matter what company you are with because you are blogging about your expertise, passion, or business sense NOT a specific direct sales company or product.
Blogging is doable for everyone! Everyone has something to say, right? Your goal is to be sure that your “blog” has a clear purpose and message. My suggestion is you focus on educating, sharing, and entertaining your readers. Don’t use your blog to hock your direct sales company’s products or services.
I believe that direct sales people can be some of the best bloggers. They are usually very knowledgeable about the “theme” of their direct sales products and services. They always have stories. They like to share.
So if you are in Direct Sales and have not started a blog I recommend you do. Get a domain name that fits your message – if you need to buy one visit GoDaddy, only $7.49 for the year. Don’t have a clue where to get started try this “blog” company – they will not only set your blog up for FREE and will host it for 30 days FREE too, after that hosting for around $9 per month! They will even help populate the first messages! If you need help later with some suggestions on items to add to your blog site just contact us we are happy to do a free consultation to get you going!