Finish It Friday ~ Today focus on completing your task list for the week.  How did you do?  Were you realistic when you set out what you could complete?  Were there a lot of “fires” you had to put out that pulled you away? Did you stay true boundaries you set for you and your clients/customers/prospects in regards to working hours and expectations?  Friday is the last day of “work” for most people, some have businesses that are open Saturday and even Sunday too – it is important for everyone to have a balance between work and personal time and no matter how many days your “office” is open you need to find time for you…

Balance between work and life…

Without making today too heavy lets talk about finding that balance…  It is important that you know your work is not


Balance between work & life is a MUST!

your LIFE – your work does not define YOU – and your work does not hold the rewards at the end of the day.  As solo-preneurs we set out on a journey to do it on our own – to be our own boss.  We don’t want people telling us what to do or working ourselves to death for someone else to reap the rewards, why not do it for ourselves.  But some how when we take the “owner” roles we lose balance, balance between where work leaves off and we as a person begins.

Times have changed and the balance blurs…

Years ago there was a clear balance and dividing lines between work and home or personal time.  People did their job, worked their business and when it was closing time you were off.  Times were simpler then.  With all of the “updates” in technology you can always be open, always be doing business! We have the internet over fax machines, we have smart phones over pagers and we have tablets over desk tops!  It is so easy to always be working – but what is the cost – YOUR LIFE your balance!

With all of these “improvements” to our technology came an increase in stress related health issues along with the loss of the boundaries and balance between work and home.  How has this accessibility effected or changed lives?

  • Working all of the time you lose balance between social interaction with FRIENDS and LOVED ONES (not saying your social media peeps are not friends, but you know the ones you can just strike up that barbque and have a soda or beer with for no reason and not have to really talk about anything)  Once you start working a lot there becomes a distance and everyone seems to go their own way and it is a lot harder to get back together and find those fun times.
  • Working all of the time you lose sleep and fatigue sets in!  Once you get to a stage of fatigue the balance of time spent being productive during your working hours and balance of being attentive to your loved ones when you are present fades away – this is damaging to those personal relationships.
  • Working all of the time expectations soar out of control.  When you work all of the time and you are completing things you think well I should do more and more and more and you pile that plate of tasks and projects so high you are constantly working to complete it.  The balance of planning your appropriate amount of work is lost and you are working blindly trying to commit to too much – you lose yourself.

You went into business for yourself (and even if you are an employee somewhere) keep an eye on what the true meaning of life is….LIFE AND LIVING IT, now working.

Find some balance points in your work…

  • Create a tracking system that is easy and clear – again we suggest a Tickler File and are happy to help you get that set up – let a system help balance what you do when
  • Set realistic daily and weekly tasks/projects lists – you don’t have to skimp out but you don’t have to overdue do it – create a visual balance between what should be able to get done and your work week hours
  • Find your time sucks and get rid of them or delegate them to someone that can do them for you – find a balance between what YOU have to do and what you can have others do for you
  • Find time to exercise – finding balance between thinking so hard, sitting so long or focusing on others AND taking care of you is life changing, even if it is only a 20 minute walk alone (NO PHONES!)

What do you do after you start balancing out work and personal time?  This is where your rewards come in.  In balance you need to also plan for your rewards – your rewards can be just for you and ones the family can take part in as well.  For example, if you sign this big contract client – you and the family will get to go to Disneyland for the day and make it a work day so you get it off!  If you make this “level” in your network marketing company you and the family are going out of state site-seeing and take time!

Finding that balance allows you to take the time away from work and actually enjoy it!  Successful people do it, they know how important it is to take time away.

Keeping balance does not mean you lose focus on being the best.  Keeping balance does not mean you slump off and don’t work your butt off.  Keeping balance does not mean you are a slacker.  Keeping balance means you have set boundaries to protect your health, your sanity, your family and your relationships. Keeping a balance means you value yourself and those around you!