Sitting at my desk staring at a piece of paper where I wrote down some notes, then looking up at the computer screen blankly not really reading what is on it and not knowing why I was even on that “website” – suddenly the phone rings and snaps me out of this “foggy” work state. I pick up the phone and jump into action talking to the person on the other end but I am not feeling the conversation – I hang up and I am back to not really knowing what I was doing before the phone call happened… sound familiar?

Is something wrong with me? Am I the only person this happens to? NO and NO



Stay Focused On The Target!

I am the type of person that is up EARLY, between 4 and 5 am.  I work on my blog, do a short exercise like 30 mins, take kids to school, do my personal reading, check email/voicemail for a couple clients, make bed, straighten last minute stuff in the kitchen shower then by 8am I am ready to WORK.  Most people tell me I put in a full day before I even turn on the “open” sign.

Some days and even some weeks I lose my “mojo”!  I lose my focus.  I find myself not knowing what I need to do next but most I have lost my focus and seem to be wondering in my office.  My productivity level plummets and I am off track!  I then find myself upset that nothing is getting done and any of my little bit of productivity is then GONE!

Losing Focus Happens To The Best Of Us!

When things like that happen I have to stop and look at how long I have been working without taking a day for myself.  How long was I burning the candle at both ends?  How many people was I supporting (clients, kids, husband, family, pets) emotionally and task wise and not looking at what I needed?  No wonder my focus on my business had disappeared for a bit!

Keeping a steady stream of focus on your business is doable as long as you are remembering to keep a balance in your life.  Keeping a steady stream of focus on your business as long as you have structure to your days and a working process with productive procedures!  Most importantly keeping a steady stream of focus on your business is doable when you enlist “help” when you need it!

Stay Focused With Some Help!

When I talk about help – it means a couple of things…

Keeping Focus with support staff – this can be actual “staff” or “Virtual Assistants staff”.  Use some assistance to get tasks completed – they can focus on individual tasks that need to be done allowing you to stay focused on the bigger picture.  As the little tasks get completed you are moving closer to building your empire and it frees you up to continue the focus on your structure and where to build on it next!

Keeping Focus with the support of an Accountability Group or Mastermind Group “FOCUS GROUPS” – Have a group of people that are “your trusted advisers” is awesome!  This is something I love being a part of.  My businesses would not be where they are today without the support of my Accountability Group/Mastermind Group.  Being part of a group like this is not only inspiring but the focus is intense!  We all have a little ADD in us, being part of a group like this gives us the OK to focus on something else, someone else and help but keep our productive creative juices flowing!  NO BUSINESS IS TOO SMALL TO BE IN A GROUP LIKE THIS.  Granted there are some “focus” groups that are for bigger business but you can find one to fit your business.  If you cannot create one of your own with the people you are always asking advice from and giving advice too!  That is what you re doing already just not in a formal setting.

Staying Focused Is A Team Effort!

Even solo-preneurs should have a team.  Find people to work with, talk with, share ideas with so you are not always doing it alone.  Focus is a hard thing to hold onto all by yourself and just because you own your own business does not mean you have to carry it  by yourself!