by vaagogoadmin | Jul 26, 2011 | Biz Development, Featured, Finish It Friday, Recommended Readings, Tools, VA Tips, Why VA's
New Site, New News, New Educations I would like to introduce you to Wealth And Abundance Today! Having a site like this has been a passion of mine! You see after working with several clients over the years it became more apparent that most business crave to know more....
by vaagogoadmin | Feb 3, 2011 | Biz Development, Recommended Readings, Tools
I wanted to discuss the BIG DEBATE going on at some “open” networking events. Your Picture on your business card – should it be there? Yes or No? I have run into people that support both sides of this argument. I have to say YES in my opinion… In this world of...
by vaagogoadmin | Feb 1, 2011 | Biz Development, Recommended Readings, Why VA's
I know when I ask that question and everyone thinks of the size of their candy bowl they had for Halloween that is not what I am referring to. I am referring to your “life, experience and business” bowl! Take a plant for instance, you purchase plants to decorate your...
by vaagogoadmin | Dec 6, 2010 | Biz Development, Featured, Recommended Readings
Today I want to talk a little about SPAM – “Self Promotional Advertising Message” – we have all been affected by SPAM and SPAMMERS! If you have not been inundated in your inbox (and mailboxes) with “Viagra” , “work from home”, “You Won” mailings YOU ARE LUCKY! But in...
by vaagogoadmin | Dec 14, 2009 | Biz Development, Recommended Readings
I have been working with a client that is a GREAT networker! He has so much to share and I value it when he shares his do’s and do not’s with me. I spend time with him at events and watch the crowd when he is speaking, he is awesome! His name is Casey...