by vaagogoadmin | Jan 24, 2012 | Business, Connecting, Productivity, Resources, Small Business, Social Media, Time Saving
Tackle It “Tool” Tuesday – You want today to be all about tackling a project or a task you dread… Most people mastering or “corralling” their Social Media, Facebook interactions is a project they dread… finding the right...
by vaagogoadmin | Oct 18, 2011 | Home Based Business, Network Marketing, Resources, Small Business, Weekly Productivity
Tackle It “Tool” Tuesday – today in our Weekly Productivity Program we focus on tackling a task or a project we have been putting off – sometimes this happens to be a resource we purchased to use in our business or a tool of some sort to help...
by vaagogoadmin | Oct 4, 2011 | Resources, Website, Weekly Productivity
Tackle It “Tool” Tuesday ~ Take today to tackle using a tool to increase your reach of your business. You choose – Social Media, email marketing, website tools – something you can start today that will help increase not only visibility &...
by vaagogoadmin | Sep 30, 2011 | Office, Resources
Finish it Friday is a day we consider an immediate reward day – when you have completed all of the scheduled/planned tasks that were set as the goal that week you are done working for the day! You are free to relax and have time to spend on yourself. Being...
by vaagogoadmin | Sep 29, 2011 | Connecting, Home Based Business, Network Marketing, Resources, Small Business, Weekly Productivity
Thriving Thursday, today’s focus is on wrapping things up for the week! Today you should be in a “groove” after completing so much on Work It Wednesday – Keep It Up! Move through your list doing the follow up on the items you were working on...
by vaagogoadmin | Sep 20, 2011 | Blogging, Resources, Weekly Productivity
Tackle It “Tool” Tuesday ~ Tackle It Tuesday is a day where in the Weekly Productivity Program we focus on tackling the task that we avoid the most or at least dread doing. For a lot of people that is blogging and writing their blog posts… some...