by vaagogoadmin | Mar 31, 2011 | Biz Development, Featured, VA Tips
Now that you are getting all of your branding and materials together with BIG in mind, start working on image – remember when you were going to review your website? Do you have testimonials on it? These can be done in written form (add a pic), audio form (add a pic)...
by vaagogoadmin | Mar 31, 2011 | Biz Development, Featured, VA Tips
Now that you are getting all of your branding and materials together with BIG in mind, start working on image – remember when you were going to review your website? Do you have testimonials on it? These can be done in written form (add a pic), audio form (add a pic)...
by vaagogoadmin | Mar 29, 2011 | Biz Development, Featured, VA Tips
Planning for BIG in your business is not just about getting your vision in-line, your logo set, and your visibility out there it also has to do with getting rid of bad habits! Most of us know all about the clients we take on that are our friends, or referrals that...
by vaagogoadmin | Mar 29, 2011 | Biz Development, Featured, VA Tips
Planning for BIG in your business is not just about getting your vision in-line, your logo set, and your visibility out there it also has to do with getting rid of bad habits! Most of us know all about the clients we take on that are our friends, or referrals that...
by vaagogoadmin | Mar 24, 2011 | Biz Development, Featured, VA Tips
Now that we are planning BIG.. do not let your past (or any future) failures stop you from launching new things. All companies, small and LARGE have had failures in a launch they have done.. if you let anything you have tried in the past that did not work out so great...