by vaagogoadmin | Jul 28, 2011 | Office, Organization, Weekly Productivity
Throw It Forward Thursday is set up as a day where you review your list of traveling tasks for the week, what is the one task that you keep moving from one day to the next and then one week to the next? It obviously does not have a set due date… take it off...
by vaagogoadmin | Jul 27, 2011 | Home Based Business, Network Marketing, Organization, Small Business, Weekly Productivity
Work It Wednesday – today is “hump day”, the day we are working towards the crest of the Projects & Task mountain. Today is a great day for extreme focus on knocking out as many of the tasks and projects off your list today – you want to...
by vaagogoadmin | Jul 26, 2011 | Office, Organization, Weekly Productivity
Tackle it Tuesday is the day to focus and power down on what you consider to be the most daunting task or overwhelming task on your maintenance task list today – this will bring a lot of momentum to the rest of your week when you complete it OR if you need more...
by vaagogoadmin | Jul 25, 2011 | Home Based Business, Network Marketing, Office, Small Business, Weekly Productivity
Monetize Monday ~ ready to start a new week? We are here at Wealth And Abundance Today! Focus today, the first day of the week on finding the items on your “to do” list for the week that generate revenue – do them today! Start your week on...