by vaagogoadmin | Oct 13, 2011 | Home Based Business, Network Marketing, Office, Organization, Productivity, Small Business, Weekly Productivity
Throw It Out Thursday ~ We seemed to get so bogged down and overwhelmed by the amount of things we have to do each day. As solo-preneurs or owners of the brick and mortar business we have a lot more on our “get’er done” lists than most. We are...
by vaagogoadmin | Oct 5, 2011 | Home Based Business, Network Marketing, Productivity, Small Business, Weekly Productivity
Work It Wednesday ~ today focus on your list of all the tasks that stack up. You know the ones you keep procrastinating about getting done! Tasks that are easy to complete or take you doing something you dread tend to stack up – let the stack get too high and...
by vaagogoadmin | Sep 29, 2011 | Connecting, Home Based Business, Network Marketing, Resources, Small Business, Weekly Productivity
Thriving Thursday, today’s focus is on wrapping things up for the week! Today you should be in a “groove” after completing so much on Work It Wednesday – Keep It Up! Move through your list doing the follow up on the items you were working on...
by vaagogoadmin | Sep 21, 2011 | Office, Organization, Weekly Productivity
Work It Wednesday ~ today is the day in our weekly productivity program we focus on the busy tasks. You know the ones that are quick to complete so we tend to put them off thinking “oh that will only take me a minute, I will do XX first” and those little...
by vaagogoadmin | Sep 7, 2011 | Office, Organization, Weekly Productivity
Work It Wednesday today is the middle of the work week – you are at the peak and headed down the “easier” side tomorrow, right? Be sure to spend today focused on all the little tasks you have around you to do – use this time wisely to be...