by vaagogoadmin | Jan 24, 2012 | Business, Connecting, Productivity, Resources, Small Business, Social Media, Time Saving
Tackle It “Tool” Tuesday – You want today to be all about tackling a project or a task you dread… Most people mastering or “corralling” their Social Media, Facebook interactions is a project they dread… finding the right...
by vaagogoadmin | Oct 13, 2011 | Home Based Business, Network Marketing, Office, Organization, Productivity, Small Business, Weekly Productivity
Throw It Out Thursday ~ We seemed to get so bogged down and overwhelmed by the amount of things we have to do each day. As solo-preneurs or owners of the brick and mortar business we have a lot more on our “get’er done” lists than most. We are...
by vaagogoadmin | Oct 5, 2011 | Home Based Business, Network Marketing, Productivity, Small Business, Weekly Productivity
Work It Wednesday ~ today focus on your list of all the tasks that stack up. You know the ones you keep procrastinating about getting done! Tasks that are easy to complete or take you doing something you dread tend to stack up – let the stack get too high and...
by vaagogoadmin | Aug 5, 2011 | Organization, Weekly Productivity
This is the best day of the week – the day you should start to reward yourself for a job (or several jobs) well done! Finish It Friday…How did you do? The weekly productivity plan is built around scheduling, planning, organizing and productivity. ...
by vaagogoadmin | Jul 28, 2011 | Office, Organization, Weekly Productivity
Throw It Forward Thursday is set up as a day where you review your list of traveling tasks for the week, what is the one task that you keep moving from one day to the next and then one week to the next? It obviously does not have a set due date… take it off...