by vaagogoadmin | Jan 24, 2012 | Business, Connecting, Productivity, Resources, Small Business, Social Media, Time Saving
Tackle It “Tool” Tuesday – You want today to be all about tackling a project or a task you dread… Most people mastering or “corralling” their Social Media, Facebook interactions is a project they dread… finding the right...
by vaagogoadmin | Jan 23, 2012 | Business, Communication, Connecting, Social Media
Monetize Monday – Doing business with people just because you are the only store in town is a thing of the past! With so much variety available to the consumers these days competition is tough. Today focus on how you will be different, how you can stand out...
by vaagogoadmin | Oct 11, 2011 | Blogging, Social Media, Weekly Productivity
Tackle It Tuesday – today get down and tackle the task you have been avoiding for days/weeks. This one might be figuring out a new program or tool. Schedule time today to focus on just that and “tackle it”! You will feel the weight lift off your...
by vaagogoadmin | Sep 27, 2011 | Social Media, Weekly Productivity
Tackle It Tuesday – focus down on your bigger projects and or tasks today. You know the one you avoid the most…. commit to do it today and get it done, you will fill great when you can cross it off your list, and usually you find out it was not as bad as...
by vaagogoadmin | Sep 22, 2011 | Social Media, Weekly Productivity
Thriving Thursday ~ today in our Weekly Productivity Program we focus on wrapping up as much work/projects and tasks that are on our list we plotted to get completed this week. We know Finish It Friday is around the corner and we get to celebrate for the awesome job...